Cool graphics and artworks have always intrigued me. I wished I could have the talent to draw out what ever is in that groggy mind of mine. Or what it takes to put graphics on paper what we see in our dreams, a condition which some said is our unconscious state. I believe when we dream, we see things in some form of our own perspective, our proportion and even our relativity. Sometimes it may be all a blur but at times it is crystal clear almost as if it is the real life! But, think about it, when it is in a befog situation, even when we remember the dream and we try to describe it, we realized that what we say does not make much sense. We open our mouths we try to find words and compose sentences to describe the circumstances in the dream, and found ourselves stuttering. Those dreams, however, to me, are the interesting ones. Needless to say, how can our unconscious mind be as clear as our conscious state?
If only I could ‘sleep draw’, pick up a pencil and draw what I see in my dream while in it. When I wake up and back to my sensible frame of mind, I might be delighted, or shocked, to see what was actually drawn. If only I have that super power to do that, I probably could draw the most imaginative graphics, discussing my works with Guillermo del Toro, drinking tea with Kusama Yayoi, and painting the murals with Daleast.
Meanwhile, while I trained myself to attain this ‘draw-your-dream’ power, I shall continue to appreciate the diverse and most vibrant imaginative art works created by other people in their conscious state of mind.